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1. General provisions

1.1. Scope

This Master Customer Agreement (“MCA”) is made and entered into by and between Vouch AS, a Norwegian limited liability company with business reg. no 930 248 096, with its principal place of business at Grensen 17, 0159 Oslo (“Vouch”), and by the legal entity that has signed up to the Services (“Customer”).

By signing up and creating a Customer Account and by using the service, the Customer hereby accepts this MCA. The Customer also accepts the Data Processing Agreement (“DPA”). This MCA And DPA shall be effective from the time of acceptance of MCA and the DPA, and after the Customer creates a Customer Account (“Effective Date”).

Payment terms shall be agreed upon separately, either by e-mail between the Customer and Vouch, or as further described in the Customer Portal (“Terms of Purchase”).

1.2. Interpretation – ranking

The agreement between the parties consists of this MCA, the DPA, and Terms of Purchase as agreed per e-mail or in the Customer Portal per e-mail or other correspondence (“The Agreement”).

In case of conflict between the general wording in the MCA, DPA or Terms of Purchase, the Terms of Purchase prevail, except for provisions concerning data privacy and data protection.

2. Definitions

"Candidate": means those who have registered and use the Platform and the Site for the purpose of obtaining Hire.

Candidate Process”: Interviews, background checks, and other processes initiated, performed and concluded by or on behalf of a Customer for the purpose of Hire.

"Customer": the contracting party to this MCA and the legal entity which will use the Services.

Customer Account”: means the user account of a Customer or a representative from the Customer with user account rights.

"Customer Portal": that part of the Site only accessible by Customers with a Customer Account and where Candidates can be viewed, and Job Postings and agreements can be managed.

Hire”: any contract concerning employment or work for hire entered into between the Customer and a Candidate.

Job Posting”: an advert published on the Platform by the Customer concerning a specified or unspecified open job position at the Customer.

Platform”: the part of the Site where Candidates and Vouchers interact.

Platform Fee”: The pre-determined fee that is charged to access the Services and to list a Job Postings on the Platform, as further described in the Terms of Purchase.

Referral reward”: The cash award determined by the Customer, transferred to the Voucher in case of Hire of a Candidate vouched by the Voucher through the Platform, subject to Terms & Conditions.